Benefits of Green Beans Slimming Body To Build Muscle Up

Benefits of Green Beans Slimming Body To Build Muscle Up
Benefits of green beans are very good to help lose weight to body muscle building process because high enough protein content in it. Not only proteins, green beans also contain fiber which is very good to help the diet.Green beans can be processed into a variety of menu dishes were delicious. However, you should consider ways of cooking so as not to lose a wide variety of nutrients found in green beans.
Benefits of Green Beansimage reps idAs quoted from duniafitnes, here are some of the benefits and content of green beans you can in Fiber
High fiber content is about 7.6 gr / 100 gr can help overcome the problem of constipation and could be an option in the diet.sources of Protein
Green beans are one source of vegetable protein-containing protein tinggise lot 7 g / 100 g. In addition, the protein content of the green beans have a complete amino acid.low Carbohydrate
Green beans contain carbohydrates of approximately 19 g / 100 g. So it is good for the diet and body building or muscle building.Contains Healthy Fats
The essential fatty acids contained in green beans are omega-3 (0.9 mg / 100 g) and omega-6 (119 mg / 100 g). Omega 3 is a fatty acid that is useful for lowering cholesterol in the blood.Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Folic acid and vitamin B contained in green beans is high at approximately 0.2 mg / 100 g. Green beans are also rich in other B vitamins, such as riboflavin, B6, pantothenat acid, and niacin.In addition to vitamins, the green beans are also rich in minerals. In 100 grams of green beans contains potassium (266 mg), phosphorus (99mg), manganese (48 mg), calcium (27 mg), magnesium (0.3 mg), iron (1.4 mg), zinc (0.8 mg) and selenium (2.5 mg).Lose weight
Some of the content of green beans such as fiber, protein, healthy fats and low in carbohydrates are suitable as a diet to help you lose weight. You can enter the green beans into the daily menu.Digestive System launched
This is because the green beans contain fiber that is high enough to cleanse the digestive tract, increasing intestinal peristalsis, thereby reducing the time dirt accumulates in the intestine.Assist Forming Cells Body
Protein contained in green beans can help to build the body's cells thus indirectly is related to the role of the benefits of improved growth of the body.Helps Improve Nutrition Absorption
Mung bean sprouts contain live enzymes that increase the absorption of nutrients in the body's metabolic processes.
How to Cook Green Beans
Green beans soak overnight before cooking to make it tender. Then boiled green beans with a small fire to boil and then remove from heat. Should not be mixed with coconut milk to get the benefits of foods. Let stand a few minutes to cool, then boiled again with a small flame. Now you can consume green beans and drink boiled water to get all the nutrients optimally.
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