Drink Coffee Time Create Capek So Sleepy?

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Drink Coffee Time Create Capek So Sleepy?

Q: Is it true that drinking coffee in the middle of the time our bodies feel tired can further accelerate fatigue and drowsiness, to lead us so lazy to continue our busy work? (Agus Putra, 45) J: Hi Mas Agusputra, For more details, I would write down what are the ingredients in coffee, as well as how it can harm the body. Coffee contains substances such as: * KafeinKandungan caffeine vary according to the type of coffee beans or step process, with an average of 100 mg / 236 ml of coffee (1 cup of coffee). Caffeine is widely used as a psychoactive drug that would make an impact similar to stimulants, avoid drowsiness, increase the grasp of the senses, quicken the power fikir, reduce fatigue, and strengthen muscle contraction. But in high doses (becoming more 3 cups of coffee / day), caffeine will cause negative impacts such as improved blood insistence, making the arteries become more rigid, resulting in anxiety (fear), and insomnia (trouble or trouble sleeping). Beyond that caffeine can also lead to addiction effects with signs of sleeplessness or even too much sleep, headaches, easy furious, exhausted, and so forth. * Cafestol and kahweolMerupakan oil substance in coffee, which was known as diterpenes. The following oil substance that chance has an impact on blood cholesterol content additions first fraction of LDL-cholesterol. Diterpenes several large amount can be reduced by wearing a filter paper coffee filter or cloth. * Chlorogenic acid and chlorogenic antioksidanAsam is the most important antioxidant contained in coffee, the work of which hinder the absorption of glucose. Similarly, anti-oxidants contained in it, can work to avoid a variety of types of cancer such as liver cancer, and so on. Back to your question, if look at the content of coffee, it seems unnecessary worry if the consumption of coffee in your body time to feel tired so further accelerate fatigue and sleepiness. Fatigue may appear time has emerged addiction, as well as the first time took place in the amount of coffee consumption too excessive.