The reason this is hard Maintained Ideal Weight

The reason this is hard Maintained Ideal Weight
 Many of you have lost weight, but not a few of them fail. When you successfully lose weight, the next challenge is to maintain ideal body weight. Similarly, when you bring it down, keep your weight is not an easy thing to do. Some of the reasons are often the cause of why you did not last long with the ideal weight Anda.Berikut 5 reasons why weight loss is difficult to maintain:
1. The body is programmed to sense your body's natural laparSecara programmed to feel hungry. One sign that the body's energy shortage is hungry. When hungry, the only thing that comes to your mind is eating large meals. This is what can lead to excess calories in the body, resulting in weight gain. The solution, when they are hungry come and eat in small portions with a menu consisting of complex carbohydrates and protein. In addition to healthy, these foods can keep you full longer.
2. Weight metabolismeDengan affect weight loss, also means reduced calories your body needs to maintain weight. In essence, the weight a bit mean anyway require little energy to keep cells and tissues to stay alive. So, adjust your body's caloric needs for each classification of gender, age and weight have different calorie needs.
3. The body getting used to latihanSaat you perform certain movements at the time of exercise, your body will naturally learn the practice and become accustomed. This is why you have to increase the load and intensity of exercise if you want to increase calorie burning in the body. Increase the load and intensity of exercise also serves to help burn fat more and help more optimal muscle growth.
4. Too much reduce kaloriPerlu you know if your body still needs calories for energy. If the number of calories consumed is less than calories used, weight will be reduced because of the energy reserves of fat will digunakan.Sebaliknya, if the number of calories in a greater than calories used, weight will increase. The best option is to consume calories according to the activity you are doing no more and no less. Consuming calories as needed is a wise way to make your body healthy and maintain a healthy weight ideal.
5. Frequent eating in luarTidak infrequently did you invite friends to dine out for a specific event or just leisure. When eating out there is definitely a tendency to eat unhealthy foods, such as fast food. These foods contain a lot of added sugar, fat, and other additives that can harm health. In addition, if consumed regularly, fast food can lead to obesity and chronic diseases such as heart attacks and diabetes.Menjaga weight takes effort just as hard as when you lower it. Discipline in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an effective way to maintain weight. With ideal weight, you can live healthier. (and)
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